Midi Packs

Thank You for Choosing Klangmacht MIDI Packs


We are thrilled that you've chosen the Klangmacht MIDI Packs for your music production needs! These packs have been carefully crafted to deliver high-quality, realistic drum performances, providing you with production-ready grooves that can easily be integrated into your projects.

Pack Structure

Each MIDI pack is organized into folders containing MIDI files. These files are specifically designed to make the process of building drum tracks simple and efficient.

Authentically Recorded by Bastian Emig

All the MIDI files in our packs have been performed by professional drummer Bastian Emig (Van Canto) on an E-drum kit. The recordings were made while Bastian was jamming together with a guitar player, providing a real-world musical context.

Natural Feel and Non-Quantized Recordings

To maintain the human element of the performances, none of the MIDI files have been quantized. This ensures that you get the natural timing of a live performance. Only slight edits have been made to correct minor timing differences caused by the technical latencies inherent in E-drum kits. The result is a groove that maintains the authenticity of a live recording.

Production-Ready Grooves, Not Drum Solos

These MIDI packs are not meant for showing off flashy drum solos. Instead, they focus on production-ready grooves that can easily be assembled into full songs. The patterns are designed for use in practical music production environments, offering you straightforward and versatile tools for your projects.

Multiple Mappings for Versatility

Each MIDI file comes in two different mappings to ensure compatibility with a variety of drum plugins:

  • KM Mapping: Optimized for use with Klangmacht Drum Plugins.

  • GM Mapping: Standard General MIDI mapping, compatible with most drum plugins.

File Organization

The files are organized into folders with the following structure:

  1. Top-Level Folder: The folder name provides information about the style and base tempo of the recording. It also includes a reference ID for internal cataloging. For example: Hard Rock 120bpm (HS01 0-860)

    • "Hard Rock": Style

    • "120bpm": Base tempo of the recording

    • The information in brackets is the reference ID used for vendor cataloging.

  2. Sub-Folders for Playing Styles: Inside the top-level folder, you'll find sub-folders categorized by playing styles. These styles refer to the type of groove and the lead cymbal in the pattern. For instance: BackbeatHH: Backbeat groove led by the Hi-Hat.

  3. File Names: Each file within the folder is named according to its style and the length of the recording, measured in bars. This provides you with a quick and easy way to identify the right groove for your track.

How to Use the MIDI Files

  1. DAW Compatibility: The MIDI files can be used with any DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). Simply drag and drop the files into your DAW.

  2. Flexible Tempo Usage: Although the base tempo is specified, the MIDI files can be used with tempos that are ±20% of the given tempo. Going beyond that range may result in unnatural playback.

  3. Drum Plugin Compatibility: The best results can be achieved by using Klangmacht Drum Plugins, but the files are also compatible with a wide range of other drum plugins, especially when using the GM mapping.

Enjoy your journey with Klangmacht MIDI Packs, and we look forward to hearing the amazing tracks you'll create with them!

Last updated